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Arcana SDKs work with third-party browser-based wallets as well as the built-in, non-custodial, embedded Arcana wallet.

The Arcana wallet is automatically accessible to all authenticated app users if the app is integrated with the Arcana Auth SDK. Developers can customize the Arcana wallet UI and also choose to build and use a custom wallet UI instead of the built-in wallet UI offered by the Arcana Auth SDK.

Supported Third-party Wallets

Any browser-based wallet can be enabled in an app that is integrated with the Arcana SDKs. For example, MetaMask, Brave, Phantom, etc. Note that the wallet must work with the supported chains.

Arcana Auth SDK

When using the Arcana Auth SDK for user onboarding and gasless transactions, by default the built-in, embedded, non-custodial Arcana wallet is enabled. Developers can use any of the supported wallet connectors and enabled other third-party wallets in the app. The Arcana wallet visibility can be managed whereby developers can choose to display the wallet within the app context only when required.

It is possible to totally replace the Arcana wallet UI with a custom wallet UI.

In advanced use cases, if the app requires to only use the user onboarding feature of the Arcana Auth SDK and no Arcana wallet, but a third-party wallet, then the app must be registered with 'Custom Wallet' setting and Arcana Auth-Core SDK must be used instead of the Arcana Auth SDK.

Gasless Transactions

In case of the apps integrated with the Arcana Auth SDK, the gasless transactions are enabled only for the Arcana wallet.

Apps that support multiple wallets in addition to the Arcana wallet must also integrate with the Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK in order to enable gasless transactions in the third-party wallets.

Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK

Apps that require to enable gasless transactions in a third-party, browser-based wallets must integrate with the Arcana Gasless (Standalone) SDK. Note that the third-party wallet must support the chains where gas tanks can be set up and gasless transactions enabled. See supported gasless chains for details.

Last update: April 11, 2024 by shaloo